Thursday, 20 October 2011

A Plea

This is a plea to anyone out there who can help me!
My Dad's been recently diagnosed with cancer, it started in his lungs and has passed on to his bones. The doctors have said that there is nothing they can do to prevent it and that he probably only has about a year to live. Of course, this has all come as a shock to my whole family and where all trying to cope with the reality of it all but it just doesn't seem very real. We've called up and asked for a second opinion and we will be getting one eventually but it could take some time before we can get an appointment. I've done some research but it's all very hard to understand so I really feel (and I know my family does too) like I've been thrown into the deep end. Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if there are people out there who can help me, support people, cancer stories, anything that I might be able to use to help my Dad.
Kisses and Hugs.
Me xxx


  1. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry... my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer almost 2 years ago. She since then has had a mastectomy, a handful of major surgeries and it is totally removed and she is in complete health! God can do absolutely amazing things in people, miracles are NOT impossible. I'll definitely be praying for you, and your dad, you guys don't give up! :)

  2. oh Korina, I can only imagine. comprehending something like that is just huge. life is so fragile. things like this you can't really explain, or understand, and (unfortunately) can't even change. I think the absolute best thing you can do is treasure what you have right now. that's all you can do for anything, really. cos when you think about it, there are no guarantees on anything. that's kinda a scary thought which can leave us angry and confused and questioning...I've been in that position, and I think that's fine. but eventually I found that I couldn't change anything about what was going on - all I could do was change the way I responded to it. and it's HARD to be positive and enjoy what you've got when it feels like your world is falling apart around you. but I guarantee you that it's a thousand times easier than trying to put yourself back together when YOU are falling apart.
    much love to you and your family! you're all defs in my prayers.
    if you wanna talk about it hit me up ok! you're definitely not alone in this. I went through a similar journey when I was 12, and I definitely understand the confusion you're feeling right now. if you want me to share about that with you just ask ok?
    kia kaha.

  3. o God, let him live; heal him, one whose stripes are for the healing of the nations; and let him and his family know you carrying them through the dark hours
    bless you all
