How do you let someone know how your feeling without actually saying anything.
Is it with a look? A mental thought thrown in their direction? An expression? Or maybe an action?
Your not a foward person... so how do you express yourself without feeling stupid?
Well actually you already feel stupid - it's funny how your so aware of what your doing and saying when their around:
Should I say that... is that even funny?
ok I won't. No actually I will say it. No, definatly... no, I think i'll save myself the humliation when they don't laugh.
But if they do laugh... well it's too late now, the moments passed.
Damn! I have to say something... (the short pause it turning into an awkward silence)
Food? Weather? ... PETROL PRICES?
Oh lord, help
Just say you like me, oh, please, just say you like me!!!
...forget it...
you attempt a dramatic exit, instead you stumble, fall and wack your teeth onto the nearest flat serface.
Ok, i'm proud to say the final part hasn't actually happened to me... yet, i've been waiting for the piano to fall... it's only a matter of time.
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