Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Bright Side

Good things: Hot chocolates with one pink marshmellow and one white marshmellow. Sweet messages on my phone. Laughing so hard that I start crying. Lunch. The sound of high heels on the pavement. Daddy's fail attempt at singing. Hot water bottles. Swinging as high as you can with your eyes closed. The smaller details. compliments. Singing in the rain. Smiles. A brilliant loving cast. Jumping in puddles. Cookies straight out of the oven. Hugs. Friends who stop and listen. Church. Dancing. Being happy for no reason. Believing in impossible things. Pumpking soup on rainy days. "I love you"s. Speaking your mind and not being judged for it. Books you can't put down. Stories that make you cry and laugh. accompishments. Talking late into the night. cheesy musicals.

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