The whole worlds shifting right now, and it's pretty hard to keep standing sometimes, so here are some key points to survival:
- Always brush your teeth, no one likes dragon breath.
- Peoples first impressions of you happen within the first five seconds of seeing you, so always be awesome.
- Always pick up the phone it could be destiny calling.
- Get out of bed - Quick! it's always harder to get up the longer you lay there.
- If you think brussel sprouts are awesome, your wrong - and theres no point arguing the matter, brussel sprouts are and always will be DISGUSTING!!!
- Remember, there IS such thing as Santa.
- Believe me when I say that your mum does have eyes at the back of her head.
- Don't shout, no one will hear you. Just breathe. And stay calm.
- Hugs are the best medicine =)
- Try running out in the rain sometimes, you might get a cold but it's so totally worth it.
- Don't leave things to the last minute, we all know your going to regret it.
- Don't dwell on things (yesterday history, tomorrows a mystery, but today is gift, thats why it's called the present)
- Steriotypes are stupid, they only exist in your head as long as you let them.
- Be inspired, you may just inspire someone else by doing so.
- Eat all your vegetables (unless there brussel sprouts, then your excused)
- Learn to laugh at yourself, it honestly won't kill you.
- Remember, when you point at someone, theres three fingers pointing back at you.
- Turn your dreams into goals and you will always achieve them.
- When the sky is falling, call on God.
So there you have it, if your reading this and your thinking "what the hell is she on about?" Then i'm sorry but I really can't help you there.
Hope your having absolutly spiffing day/night.
Lots of love,
Me! xoxoxox
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