Friday, 30 September 2011

Lillian Bassman

I was doing a little bit of web based research yesterday, when I stumbled across pure genius! Lillian Bassman, is AMAZING! She was a photographer during the 50's and 60's and she was one of those strong independent women who didn't care about the way society saw her and her work, I really admire women like that. She uses bleaching and blurring techniques to manipulate her photos in the darkroom. Kind of makes me want to go back to darkroom photography to try some of these techniques that she does but the smell of the chemicals really get to me after awhile, oh well, if I ever get the chance, maybe I will try.
These are some of her FANTABULOUS works:

Classy! is it not? and so totally me, I think I have found a new hero!! Love you, Bassman, you rock!!!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Things To Look Forward To:

Next Year - I'm a gonna be in Palmy, Baby!!!
Sunday - My fave day of the week.
Dinner - I suddenly decided that i'm quite hungry.
Seeing my church family - You know who you are.
Spring Festival - I've printed some of my photos for the exhibition.
Cantata and Singing lessons - I Loooove singing, even when I sound awful!
Comments from Hannah (One and Only) - Thanks, they always brighten my day.
The end of my shift - I love actually having a job, but man, gotta love it when your shift ends.
Reading - Harry Potter .... again :D
Lovely Summer days - Goodbye rain, bring on the sunshine.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


I love my baby, Brandi. She is the most lovable companion on four legs. We went on a walk the other day, just the two of us, me taking photos and she running crazy through the creek at the bottom of the valley trying to get me wet (which I was not at all impressed about), but we had fun and it was good to get away for awhile.

 This picture was taken looking out through a crack in a broken window pane in this abandoned shearing shed. Me and my brother call it 'The Haunted House' and that's not just because the house looks scary but because when we first moved here we decided to go exploring, we took Brandi with us of course and when we found 'The Haunted House' we decided to go inside. Brandi followed us, but when she got to the door she wouldn't come inside and she started crying, me and my brother got real spooked because we'd heard about dogs having extra senses and all that, so we left. It was only later when we had got home that we realized that the only reason Brandi wouldn't come inside the shearing shed was because shes forbidden to come indoors and shes totally paranoid about walking through doors. We felt pretty stupid after that but that old shearing shed will always be known to us as 'The Haunted House' =)
My Baby, Brandi (ain't she just a cutie!?!)
Happy day everyone!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Hello, Stranger

  Dear Stranger.
Hows it been?
  I've been alright I guess, but latley theres been a rather moody rain cloud over my head, I wish it would go rain on somebody else for awhile cause I'm soaked and even my sneakers are full of water.
Hope the weathers OK where ever you are.
Yours Truly,
  A rather crazy person.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Man, it's been a rough week and it's only Wednesday! But I guess you just have to get through things one iddy-biddy step at a time. Well heres some good news: I just got a phone call, tomorrow I start my training for Rosie O'Gradys, and then finally I can start work!
So yeah, well anyway- Last night, I went into town to go check out this photography club, it's really cool and really interesting, the people there are really nice too. The best thing though was being inspired by other photographers, it's incredible the kind of stuff people can come up with, and I look at some of there works and think "Whoa!", honestly, there are some insanely awesometastic people at this club, they pretty much rock! And, those who know me will also know that I L-O-V-E being inspired, so these guys are legends!
Their going to be doing an exhibition next month, and even though I've only been to one of their meetings they've invited me to include some of my own work in it, so i'll think about it, but i'm not sure I really want to put my pictures up next to some of there's!
OK, I guess i'll see you round and remember to be inspired!
LuV 4M mE

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Doomsday - Steps To Prevent It

The whole worlds shifting right now, and it's pretty hard to keep standing sometimes, so here are some key points to survival:

- Always brush your teeth, no one likes dragon breath.
- Peoples first impressions of you happen within the first five seconds of seeing you, so always be awesome.
- Always pick up the phone it could be destiny calling.
- Get out of bed - Quick! it's always harder to get up the longer you lay there.
- If you think brussel sprouts are awesome, your wrong - and theres no point arguing the matter, brussel sprouts are and always will be DISGUSTING!!!
- Remember, there IS such thing as Santa.
- Believe me when I say that your mum does have eyes at the back of her head.
- Don't shout, no one will hear you. Just breathe. And stay calm.
- Hugs are the best medicine =)
- Try running out in the rain sometimes, you might get a cold but it's so totally worth it.
- Don't leave things to the last minute, we all know your going to regret it.
- Don't dwell on things (yesterday history, tomorrows a mystery, but today is gift, thats why it's called the present)
- Steriotypes are stupid, they only exist in your head as long as you let them.
- Be inspired, you may just inspire someone else by doing so.
- Eat all your vegetables (unless there brussel sprouts, then your excused)
- Learn to laugh at yourself, it honestly won't kill you.
- Remember, when you point at someone, theres three fingers pointing back at you.
- Turn your dreams into goals and you will always achieve them.
- When the sky is falling, call on God.

So there you have it, if your reading this and your thinking "what the hell is she on about?" Then i'm sorry but I really can't help you there.
Hope your having absolutly spiffing day/night.
Lots of love,
Me! xoxoxox

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Streisand, I Heart You!

Wow, just reading through some of my posts and damn am I riding an emotional rollar coaster at the moment, so apolagise for that and for the future too (just incase). Aaaanyway, had my singing lesson today, it was marvelous as always, theres something about singing your heart out that feels oddly refreshing. I've been singing this song called 'The Glamourous Life' from 'A Little Night Music'. You can YouTube it if your ever bored, it's a great song. Also another song i've been singing is 'Send in the Clowns' it's also from 'A Little Night Music' , this song is to deep for me (i'm soprano) but my teacher wants me to practice singing low and it's an amazing song, honestly, it makes me want to cry, especially when you hear Barbra Streisand sing it, shes totally one of my heros.
Gotta love her! Mmmmwwwwaaaahhhh =)

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Would You Like Fries With That?

Ok, i'm a little annoyed.
Alright maybe i'm really annoyed.
Not to mention I have a temper like a ticking bomb, push me too hard and I might explode.
I said DON'T push me!
Why are you still pushing me!!
And now lets just throw in some anxiousity for good measure.
Kind of like trying to sit on a thumb tack.
And a pinch of impatients.
Darn, waiting again.
It's enough to make anyone paranoid.
Now just toss this all together for a walking talking emotional disaster: emo me.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

No More Unemployed Me

Ahhh, it's a good feeling when your interview actually goes well. Thats right, I've found myself a new job working at the the new 'Rosie O'Grady's' pub thats opening in town next week! i'm super excited and I've met a whole bunch of new people who are going to start working there too, there awesome and really funny. And when  I start study next year, hopefully i'll be able to get a transfer which would be totally epic cause then I wouldn't have to start looking for a new job again.
So, to all you people out there - A BIG VIRTUAL HUG - because i'm just so happy =)
In other news, had a most marvelous picnic yesterday with some awesome friends. I love picnics. Especially when you get all dolled up for them - I wore my green polka dot "Audrey Hepburn" dress with my new boots, and this was completed with my black lacy parasol. So I was really feeling the part!
Anyway, really excited about tomorrow cause it's Jordan's birthday party, yay! And then of course Sunday, the best day of the week! I LOOOOOVE SUNDAYS!!!