Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Be the Candle

ME: Hey! Hows business going for you?
HIM: Oh, you know, same old, same old. Paper works up to my ears.
ME: So nothing interesting then?
HIM: Well it's defintley not a boring job, but theres only so much I can do.
ME: But your the big guy, you can do anything!
HIM: Sure... but the rest has to come from you.
ME: Erm?
HIM: Have faith in yourself and i'll have faith in you, believe in yourself and I will believe in you.
ME: Oh... sometimes that's hard.
HIM: I know. But if you have faith and belief in others, they will have faith and belief in themselves and they will be able to pass that faith and belief on to somebody else. so natrually, the more faith and belief you have in the people around you, the faster it will come back and find you and you can have faith and belief in yourself too.
ME: Share the light then?
HIM: Be the candle.

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